The series was awarded Anime of the Year and Best Score at Crunchyroll's 2018 Anime Awards. Julian Malerman of THEM Anime Reviews praises the show for being a well-executed emotional drama saying "The manner in which the show approaches this conclusion is often brutal and alienating, but the final answer is simple and pure. Creamer also praises it for its artwork and music that highlights the beauty and terror of the Abyss. Nick Creamer of Anime News Network praised the anime for being adventure-focused, as well as its efficiency in establishing its premise. Made in Abyss has been met with critical acclaim and widely considered to be one of the best anime shows of 2017. Main Article: List of Made in Abyss Episodes Reception Tantalized by the mysteries of the Abyss, Riko and her new friend descend into uncharted territory to unlock its mysteries, but what lies in wait for them in the darkness? One day, Riko starts exploring the caves and discovers a robot who resembles a human boy. Her dream is to become a Delver like her mother and solve the mysteries of the cave system. You can follow him on Twitter and subscribe to his YouTube channel.

Alex Osborn is a freelance writer for IGN. A little orphan girl named Riko lives in the town of Orth on the edge of the Abyss. Stay tuned to IGN for all the big news coming out of this Anime Expo 2017, and be sure to check our gallery of some amazing Nier: Automata cosplay from the event. The adventurers who venture into pit are known as " Delvers ". Bandai Namco is bringing another anime game west. The mysteries of the Abyss fascinate humans, and they head down to explore. Strange and wonderful creatures reside in its depths, and it is full of precious relics, called Artifacts, that current humans are unable to make. An enormous pit and cave system called the " Abyss" is the only unexplored place in the world.